MycoGold® Specialty Crop is a complete package biological seed inoculant that provides the combination blend of Beauveria Bassiana, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Bio Stimulants, Azospirillum/Azotobacter, and a group of highly effective micro-nutrients. This Biological Arsenal inoculant works symbiotically with the plant to produce a larger more efficient root system for better yields, provides drought stress protection, and defends soil pathogens and insects.


This combination of beauveria bassiana and mycorrhizal fungi work together to provide the best biological inoculant in tandem for your crop. The beauveria bassiana helps defend against soil pathogens and insects. The mycorrhizal fungus increases the root absorption area up to 1000 times more than an untreated plant. The increased hyphae, or root hairs created by mycorrhizae allow for better absorption of P and other immobile nutrients. Azospirillum and azotobacter bacteria help generate nitrogen for non-legumes. The chelated micronutrients give your plants a boost during the initial growing stage allowing for a head start over control. The bio-stimulants in chelated form accelerate and promote the growth process that pays dividends at harvest.

MycoGold® GoldenMyco Specialty Crop Blend is perfect for non-specific row crops. We have several cannabis customers that use MycoGold® Specialty Crop as part of their input strategies. Results have been positive for our newer hemp growers using MycoGold Specialty crop as well.

MycoGold® Specialty Crop biological inoculant works like a bio fertilizer that will stimulate and increase the root system for a much more robust plant. This in turn will ensure the plant has efficient water uptake, better nutrient uptake, and drought stress tolerance. As a bio fertilizer our tests have shown an average increase in yield of 8-25% over the last three years. MycoGold® Specialty Crop users have reaped the benefits of increasing production while reducing other input costs.

Application Methods:

MycoGold® Specialty Crop is a soluble powder biological mycorrhizal fungi inoculant. Mix MycoGold® evenly dry with seeds when filling seeder using grain auger or directly in the hopper or other container. The talc carrier helps to lubricate your planter equipment.

Custom Seed Treatment:

As an alternative treatment method, MycoGold® may also be mixed with a polymer for a customized seed application.

Water in with Transplants:

MycoGold® Specialty Crop may be mixed with water and applied with transplanted crops.


MycoGold may be mixed for hydro and DWC use.

Dry Seed Treaters:

Dry Seed treaters can simplify and easily deliver MycoGold® onto your seeds. Here are a couple of recommended choices.

Devices Tested:

Enviropac Inoculator Seed Treater
Enviropac Inc., 1-800-752-1414,
Changing Times Dry Applicator:

Specialty Crop Label PDF Calculator